Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Start Using XAMPP ( Web and Database Server plus PHPmyAdmin)

XAMPP is most famous all in one development software for web application. Installing This software is so easy. Let's start

Install XAMPP in Windows

Go to Apache Friend and download XAMPP for your desired machine (windows)
Website Apache Friends 
Run/execute the file you just downloaded. Make sure you run it as administrator to avoid few unnecessary error.
XAMPP setup wizard

In the next screen, you are prompted to choose which components should installed. make sure PHP, MySQL, and PHPmyadmin is selected.
XAMPP Pilihan Instalasi

And now we're prompted to choose location where xampp will installed
Memilih folder lokasi XAMPP

Next, Install Bitnami. This is tool to manage some CMS installation such as Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal, etc.
Bitnami for XAMPP

Installation process will start. Wait for it to finish its task untill this screen show up.
XAMPP Finish Install

This screen is XAMPP control panel. You can manage all about your server here.
XAMPP Control Panel

Start PHP and MySQL and open Localhost

To run PHP and enable MySQL database, start apache and mysql.
XAMPP menjalankan PHP MySQL

If everything run fine, open your web browser application and navigate to http://localhost/ or if nothing error, you will see this page.
Tampilan Localhost

Now you can start developing your web application.

XAMPP is very customizable. You can add or modify each module or extention for your server.